mercoledì 9 novembre 2005

Wednesday Night Round-Up

Tre esplosioni hanno colpito la capitale giordana Amman provocando almeno 50 morti e centinaia di feriti. Secondo la polizia, si tratta di attacchi terroristici coordinati che hanno devastato alberghi in zone diverse della città. I servizi di FoxNews e Reuters, altri dettagli e commenti su The Counterterrorism Blog, Protein Wisdom, Michelle Malkin, Barcepundit, Stop the ACLU, Terrorism Unveiled, Wizbang, Gateway Pundit, bRight&Early. In Italia, i "giornalisti" stanno scioperando. Due stratosferici post - McQ su Qando Blog e Scott Burgess su The Daily Ablution - demoliscono una volta per tutte le favolette di RaiNews 24 sul "napalm a Falluja". Nella blogosfera italiana, Wellington ha fatto un lavoro di ricerca eccezionale. Leggete e imparate. Uno sguardo ravvicinato sulle elezioni di ieri in Virginia e New Jersey (e i referendum in California): QandO Blog, Blogs for Bush, Cheat Seeking Missiles, The Political Teen, Below the Beltway, GOP and the City, Professor Bainbridge, GOP Bloggers, The Moderate Voice, Pardon My English, Donkey Stomp. La tornata elettorale non è andata bene (soprattutto in Virginia), ma ci consoliamo con i sindaci di New York (confermato largamente Bloomberg) e San Diego, dove l'ex capo della polizia (repubblicano) ha battuto una attivista ambientalista (democratica). Sono soddisfazioni.Chi sta mentendo sulla guerra in Iraq? Norman Podhoretz, su Commentary, non ha dubbi.

Three explosions hit Jordan's capital killing at least 50 people and wounding hundreds. According to local officers, it was a coordinated terrorist attack which blasted hotels in different parts of the town. Reports by FoxNews e Reuters, other details and comments at The Counterterrorism Blog, Protein Wisdom, Michelle Malkin, Barcepundit, Stop the ACLU, Terrorism Unveiled, Wizbang, Gateway Pundit, bRight&Early. In Italy, "journalists" are on strike. Two amazing posts - McQ at Qando Blog and Scott Burgess at The Daily Ablution - demolish once for all the RaiNews 24's fairytale on "Fallujah's napalm". In Italy, Wellington did a fantastic research job, Read and learn. A closer look at yesterday elections in Virginia, New Jersey and California: QandO Blog, Blogs for Bush, Cheat Seeking Missiles, The Political Teen, Below the Beltway, GOP and the City, Professor Bainbridge, GOP Bloggers, The Moderate Voice, Pardon My English, Donkey Stomp. Elections didn't go well, especially in Virginia, but we're happy with New York (Bloomberg won easily) and San Diego majors, where former Police Chief (republican) won against an an environmental activist (democrat). Better than nothing. Who Is Lying About Iraq? Norman Podhoretz, on Commentary, has no doubts.

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