Lefty Glitches
This is for all those who still believe that American mainstream media are a model of unbiased journalism (and not a bunch of liberals). Take a look in this video (via The Political Teen) at the technical error the CNN ran into while broadcasting a speech by vice-president Dick Cheney at the American Enterprise Institute. An enormous black "X" flashed repeatedly on Cheney's face. As an anonymous White House source declared to Drudge Report: "Is someone in Atlanta trying to tell us something". Lefties claim it was a mere technical glitch. But Michelle Malkin is not convinced yet. In the best of cases, CNN's incompetence is huge.
Round-Up: Michelle Malkin, Hugh Hewitt, Hit and Run, GOP and the City, Wizbang, Argghhh!, Don't Go Into The Light, The American Mind, Stop The ACLU, Flopping Aces, A Blog For All, PunditGuy, California Conservative, The Political Teen, Euphoricreality, Six Meat Buffet, PoliPundit, Daily Pundit, Atlas Shrugs, The Radio Equalizer, JunkYardBlog, Suitably Flip, All Things Beautiful, The Right Place, Ed Driscoll, SFPH, Blogs for Bush, Project Logic, Point Five.
Linked at: All Things Beautiful.
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