venerdì 25 novembre 2005

Double Standard [reloaded]

Lo Speaker repubblicano della Camera, Tom DeLay, indagato in Texas per violazione della legge elettorale? I mainstream media banchettano sul suo cadavere (politico). L'ex first-lady e senatrice democratica di New York, Hillary Rodham Clinton, indagata dall'FBI per aver ricevuto finanziamenti da un criminale? I mainstream media ignorano la notizia. Un rapporto illuminante sul double standard del sistema mediatico su Accuracy in the Media. Le reazioni di Random Numbers, Wizbang e Never Yet Melted.

Double Standard [reloaded]
Is Republican Speaker of the House, Tom DeLay, indicted in Texas for violation of election laws? Mainstream media dance over his (political) corpse. Does former First-Lady and Democrat Senator of New York, Hillary Rodham Clinton, take millions from a convicted felon in violation of federal laws? Mainstream media ignores the news. An enlightening report on double standard by Accuracy in the Media. Reactions at Random Numbers, Wizbang and Never Yet Melted.

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