lunedì 24 ottobre 2005

Quick Sunday Night Round-Up

Al Franken, ospite del Late Show di David Letterman, sfugge alle domande sullo scandalo Air America (il video da Political Teen via The Radio Equalizer) e chiede la pena di morte per Bush, Rove e Libby. Scherzando, ma neppure troppo. Secondo il Washington Times (via Qand0), la Casa Bianca sta pensando ad una exit-strategy per rititare la nomina di Harriet Miers alla Corte Suprema. Intanto, su The Truth Laid Bear, c'è una pagina per scoprire i blogger che si oppongono pubblicamente alla nomina (e i pochi che la sostengono). Per Byron York su NRO (via Nickie Goomba), il support team della Miers è ormai "demoralizzato". Hugh Hewitt non è affatto della stessa opinione. Il Times di Londra (via Independent Sources e Ace of Spades) indaga sul giallo delle accuse Onu alla Siria dopo l'omicidio di Rafik Hariri. Gesù non piace alle scuole pubbliche di New York: i dettagli di un'incredibile storia di intolleranza liberal su Hyscience. Reportage di Michael Yon (dal Weekly Standard via Jawa Report) sul referendum costituzionale in Iraq. Il Washington Post (via Captain's Quarters) si sbarazza di un'altra leggenda urbana sull'uragano Katrina. Migliaia di operai boliviani marciano davanti all'ambasciata americana di La Paz: chiedono meno socialismo e più libero mercato (via Publius Pundit). Intanto, a Parigi, Chavez dice che gli Stati Uniti stanno per invadere il Venezuela (via California Conservative). Bush potrebbe prendere due piccioni con una fava. Su My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Beth ha una splendida lista di open trackback: Adam’s Blog, Basil’s Blog, Big Dog, Blue State Conservatives, Cafe Oregano, Cao’s Blog, Jo’s Cafe, MacStansbury, Mudville Gazette, Oblogatory Anecdotes, Outside the Beltway, Publius Rendezvous, Soldiers’ Angel, Stop the ACLU, The Indepundit, The Political Teen, Two Babes and a Brain, Mad Dog Vinnie, Point Five.

Al Franken, guest of David Letterman’s Late Show, avoids answering the questions on Air America’s scandal (video from Political Teen via The Radio Equalizer) and asks for death penalty for Bush, Rove and Libby. Joking, but not that much. According to The Washington Times (via QandO), White House is weighing an exit-strategy to withdraw the nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, on The Truth Laid Bear, there is a page to discover the bloggers that are publicly against the nomination (and the few ones that support it). For Byron York on NRO (via Nickie Goomba), Miers’ support team is by now "demoralized". Hugh Hewitt doesn’t share this opinion at all. London’s Times (via Independent Sources and Ace of Spades) investigates on the mystery about UN charges to Syria after the assassination of Rafik Hariri. New York ‘s public schools don’t like Jesus: the details of an unbelievable story of liberal intolerance on Hyscience. Reportage by Michael Yon (from Weekly Standard via Jawa Report) on constitutional referendum in Iraq. The Washington Post (via Captain's Quarters) gets rid of one more urban legend on hurricane Katrina.Thousands of Bolivian workers march in front of American embassy in La Paz: they ask less socialism and more free market (via Publius Pundit). Meanwhile, in Paris, Chavez says that United States are in the verge of invading Venezuela (via California Conservative). Bush could kill two birds with a stone. On My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Beth has a wonderful list of open trackback: Adam’s Blog, Basil’s Blog, Big Dog, Blue State Conservatives, Cafe Oregano, Cao’s Blog, Jo’s Cafe, MacStansbury, Mudville Gazette, Oblogatory Anecdotes, Outside the Beltway, Publius Rendezvous, Soldiers’ Angel, Stop the ACLU, The Indepundit, The Political Teen, Two Babes and a Brain, Mad Dog Vinnie, Point Five.

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