Harriet Miers gives up and (almost every) Conservative breathes a sigh of relief. Now we'll see if Bush understands how dangerous is it to go against his own electoral base. In RealClearPolitics' short-list, Camillo chooses Michael McConnell. We don't dislike also Michael Luttig. While Nickie Goomba bets on Janice Rogers Brown. In any case, these are three excellent candidates.
MSM: National Review, Washington Post, Fox News, New York Times, The Times, USA Today, Tech Central Station.
Blogosphere: Michelle Malkin, Hugh Hewitt, Instapundit, Patterico's Pontifications, ScotusBlog, Captain's Quarters, The Volokh Conspiracy, The Jawa Report, Newsbusters, Musing Minds, Cao's Blog, Stop the ACLU, Wizbang, The Political Teen, ProfessorBainbridge, Poliblog, Confirm Them, Rhymes with Right, Shot in the Dark, La Shawn Barber, Polipundit, Ankle Biting Pundits, Below the Beltway, Decision '08, California Conservative, Right Wing Nut House, Outside the Beltway, Gall&Wormwood, Conservative Outpost, Point Five, All Things Beautiful, Donkey Stomp.
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