lunedì 5 dicembre 2005

Voto di scambio

Voglio ringraziare pubblicamente tutti i lettori che hanno nominato The Right Nation nella categoria "Best European Blog" dei Weblog Awards 2005, regalandoci l'onore della qualificazione alla finale. E mi fa enormemente piacere che, tra i 15 finalisti della categoria europea (escluso il Regno Unito), ci siano ben 4 blog di TocqueVille oltre a questo (in rigoroso ordine alfabetico: Buzzurro, Free Thoughts, Otimaster e Robinik). Mentre il mitico Nickie Goomba è stato selezionato per la categoria "Best of the Top 251-500"). Fino a metà dicembre è possibile votare - una volta al giorno - per la scelta dei vincitori. Basta cliccare sul banner in alto a destra, poi su "Vote" e, naturalmente, scegliere "The Right Nation". Per ogni voto, una birra ghiacciata vi attende a Roma :) In fondo a questo post, invece, segnaliamo le nostre personalissime scelte per alcune delle altre categorie.

Exchange Vote
I would like to thank all the readers who nominated The Right Nation for the "Best European Blog" category at the Weblog Awards 2005. We are honored to have been chosen as finalists. And I am especially happy that, in the European category, 4 other TocqueVille's blogs were chosen
(Buzzurro, Free Thoughts, Otimaster and Robinik). The mytical Nickie Goomba (another TocqueVille's citizen) was selected for the "Best of the Top 251-500" category. From the rules: "Polls close December 15, 2005. You may vote once every 24 hours in each poll. After voting in an individual poll you will be locked out from voting again in that poll (on the computer you voted from) for 24 hours". Just click on the upper-right banner, click on "Vote" and, of course, choose "The Right Nation". For any valid vote, a cold beer is waiting for you in Rome :) Down below, our personal choices for some of the other categories.

Mudville Gazette (Best Blog)
All Things Beautiful (Best New Blog)
The Cotillion (Best Group Blog)
Cox & Forkum (Best Humor/Comics Blog)
Just One Minute (Best Conservative Blog)
Steyn Online (Best Media/Journalist Blog)
Slashdot (Best Technology Blog)
Right Side of the Rainbow (Best LGBT Blog)
Euphoric Reality (Best Military Blog)
Evangelical Outpost (Best Religious Blog)
Patterico's Pontifications (Best Law Blog)
The Club For Growth (Best Business Blog)
The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns (Best Canadian Blog)
The Daily Ablution (Best UK Blog)
Silent Running (Best Australia or New Zealand)
My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (Best of the Top 250 Blogs)
Nickie Goomba (Best of the Top 251 - 500)
WILLisms (Best of the Top 501 - 1000)
The Sundries Shack (Best of the Top 1751 - 2500)
Conservative Musings (Best of the Top 2501 - 3500)
Rantingprofs (Best of the Top 3501 - 5000)
Random Yak (Best of the Top 5001 - 6750)

Linked at:
All Things Beautiful - The Weblog Awards 2005

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