lunedì 16 ottobre 2006

South Park Conspiracy

L'ultimo episodio di South Park trasmesso oltreoceano, dal bizzarro titolo "Mystery of the Urinal Deuce", oltre ad essere uno dei più divertenti delle ultime stagioni, è una critica devastante alle teorie cospiratorie sull'11 settembre che stanno inquinando il dibattito politico negli Stati Uniti e in Europa. Qui sotto, grazie a YouTube (via The Political Pitbull), potete vedere l'episodio completo (in bassa risoluzione) diviso in tre parti di circa 7 minuti. Buon divertimento.

Cartman: It will be 9/11 all over again.

Kyle: Will you shut up about 9/11!

Cartman: Kyle, why are you so afraid of the truth?

Kyle: Because anybody who thinks 9/11 is a conspiracy is a retard!

Cartman: Oh really, well did you know that over 1/4th of the people in America think that 9/11 was a conspiracy? Are you saying that 1/4th of Americans are retards?

Kyle: Yes, I am saying that 1/4th of Americans are retards.

Stan: At least 1/4th.

Kyle: Let's take a test sample. There's 4 of us, you're a retard. That's 1/4th.

Round-Up: Hot Air, The Political Pit Bull, WuzzaDem, Screw Loose Change, Ed Driscoll, The Amboy Times, Alarming News, Darth Apathy, Bill's Bites, Reality Check, Blog-o-Fascists, Florida Cracker, Texas Hold ‘Em Blogger, Webfeed Decentralized, Something should go here, maybe later, Cake or Death?, Blue Crab Boulevard, The Coalition of the Swilling, Right Moment.

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