
venerdì 6 ottobre 2006

Foleygate (Open) Must-Read List

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Worst October Surprise, Ever
Patrick Godfrey, The American Thinker
Nothing New Under the Sun
Dean Barnett, Townhall
Democrats' Plan to Out Gay Republicans
Rush Limbaugh, RushLimbaugh.com
They'll Regret It
The Prowler, The American Spectator
The Foley Fallout
Richard E. Cohen, National Journal
Is This Mark Foley Thing...
Daniel Henninger, Wall Street Journal
Speaking of Inhibitions
Diana West, Washington Times
Dem Timing Plays & GOP Silver Bullets

Jed Babbin, Real Clear Politics

Foleygate Mega Round-Up: Stop The ACLU (2), Confederate Yankee (2), The Strata-Sphere (2), Power Line (2), Classical Values (2), Gateway Pundit (2) (3), California Conservative (2), Macsmind (2), Hot Air, Scared Monkeys, Right Wing Nut House, The Political Pit Bull, Wizbang, Andrew Sullivan, Little Green Footballs, Crunchy Con, Right Wing News, Instapundit.com, Flopping Aces, Let Freedom Ring, PunditGuy, Don Surber, Ace of Spades HQ, Pajamas Media, Sister Toldjah, Outside The Beltway, The Right Angle, Decision '08, Politburo Diktat 2.0, Hot Air, Riehl World View, A Blog For All, The Astute Bloggers, Right Thoughts, Ex-Donkey Blog, La Shawn Barber’s Corner, Hugh Hewitt, Big Lizards, Dean’s World, Sigmund, Carl, & Alfred, Michelle Malkin, Rhymes With Right, Iowa Voice, Polipundit.

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The Mote in God's Eye - Tavolo dei volenterosi: fucina della...
Mark My Words - The Old Testament and Archeology/1
Blue Star Chronicles - Danes Defy Dhimmitude
Perla Scandinava - I liberali norvegesi han candidato Perla
Quid Tum? - Al di qua dell’arte
Phastidio.net - L’importante è partecipare
Mariniello - Santoro epurato di nuovo. Stavolta dal pubblico!
Right Truth - Ugly pictures, television, and trackbacks
Church and State - Weekend Open Trackback
123beta - Open Trackback Weekend #22
Blue Star Chronicles - Faith and Courage of An Amish Girl
Dumb Ox News - Foley Plot Sickens? Or Rathergate Redux?
Blue Star Chronicles - Happy Autumn
Il Megafono - Scioperiamo contro un governo che ci vuole...
Woman Honor Thyself - Happy Sukkos!
Le Guerre Civili - Ma io non voglio trattare con Ahmadinejad!
Tel-Chai Nation - Ramadan rioting in Belgium
Cantor - Bruxelles brucia
I Like Your Style - Bruxelles Intifada

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Stop the ACLU, Blue Star Chronicles, Woman Honor Thyself, Basil's Blog, 123beta, Cao's Blog,
Don Surber, Dan Mancini, Stuck On Stupid, Third World County, TMH's Bacon Bits, Point Five, Adam's Blog, Conservative Cat, bRight & Early, The Bullwinkle Blog, Clash of Civilizations, Is It Just Me?, Jo's Cafe, MacBros' Place, Publius Rendezvous, Church and State, Right Truth, The Amboy Times, The World According To Carl. The Florida Masochist, Pursuing Holiness, Pirate's Cove, Selective Amnesia. (More at Open Trackback Alliance, Open Trackback Provider Blogroll, Linkfest Heaven).

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