
venerdì 20 aprile 2007

Weekend (Open) Must-Read List

Open trackback: http://haloscan.com/tb/andragorn/4284034920604759563

Virginia Tech
The Single Worst Editorial Decision In The History

Of Broadcast News?
Hugh Hewitt, Townhall
Gun Control isn't the Answer
James Q. Wilson, Los Angeles Times
A Culture of Passivity
Mark Steyn, National Review

Cold Standard
Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal
NBC Coarsens the Culture
Rush Limbaugh, RushLimbaugh.com

Road to 2008
"First Primary": Obama Romped
Dick Morris, New York Post
Obama Not Ready for Prime Time?
Richard Baehr, American Thinker
Youth Favor Obama and Giuliani
Blake Dvorak, Real Clear Politics

McCain Shines on Fiscal Issues
Robert Robb, Arizona Republic
Right, Said Fred
Stephen F. Hayes, Weekly Standard

Partial-Birth Abortion
How Abortion Plays a Role in Defining GOP
Ryan Sager, New York Sun
A Sane Decision
Walter M. Weber, National Review

War on Terror
Surge Results are Visible
Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post
Harry Reid, Loser
Jed Babbin, Human Events

How Do You Say "Israel" in Arabic?
David Adesnik, Weekly Standard

We’re Not Going to Melt
Sally Pipes, National Review
A Convenient Fiction
Fred Barnes, Weekly Standard
An American Story
Jay Nordlinger, National Review

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Ne quid nimis - 13+1=15
Mark My Words - Uh-oh, he said G-d exists!
Adam's Blog - Weekend Podcast: VA Tech Aftermath
Planck's Constant - 2006 People's Choice Jewish and Israeli Blog...
Blue Star Chronicles - Caves, Mountains, Waterfalls, Parks and...
Big Dogs Weblog - Prom King a Girl? Do We Have a Drag Queen?
123beta - Open Trackback Weekend #50
Blue Star Chronicles - You are Worthress Arec Barrwin
The Amboy Times - Al Qaeda Regrouping
Maggie's Notebook - ACLU President Silent on Chief...
The Amboy Times - Islam: Beheadings Around the Globe
Freedom Folks - HTFTTF Countdown: 1 day!
Mark My Words - This is getting ridiculous
Stuck On Stupid - OTB & Linkfest For 4/20-4/22/2007
StarSailor - L’ora di Sarkozy?
The Uncooperative Blogger - The Uncooperative Radio Show!
Planck's Constant - What be up with Black People
Diary of the Mad Pigeon - Combat Technology, Flexibility...

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