► [Must-Read List]
► Why Radical Islam and Why Now?
► Victor Davis Hanson, Real Clear Politics
► Getting Counterinsurgency Right
► Ralph Peters, New York Post
► John McCain and the Iraq Numbers Game
► Steve Kornacki, New York Observer
► A Vote for Change?
► Amir Taheri, Gulf News
► Hillary's Pelosi Problem
► Jed Babbin, Real Clear Politics
► When the Media's Right
► Rich Lowry, Salt Lake Tribune
► Hitler's Mideast Helpers
► Max Boot, Los Angeles Times
► What Will they Ban Next?
► John Stossel, Real Clear Politics
► In Baker's Blunder, A Chance For Bush
► Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post
► A Second Declaration of War in Iraq?
► John Podhoretz, New York Post
► Confronting the Wahhabis
► Stephen Schwartz, Tech Central Station
► A Scary Russian Bear
► Ben Stein, The American Spectator
► 'Old Europe' Can Gloat, Then What?
► Anne Applebaum, Slate
► Will Conservatives Vote For Rudy?
► Tom Bevan, Real Clear Politics
► National Security & 2008: The GOP's Big Three
► Hugh Hewitt, Townhall
► Reagan Ranch Corrals Heroic Memories
► John O'Sullivan, Chicago Sun-Times
► Obama & the Experience Factor
► Michael Barone, US News & World Report
► Why Bush Has Embraced India
► Daniel Twining, Weekly Standard
► Will They Believe Romney?
► Byron York, National Review
► Reviving the Bush Presidency
► Dick Morris - Eileen McGann, New York Post
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