venerdì 25 maggio 2007

Long Weekend (Open) Must-Read List

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War on Terror
Is Sky Falling on America?
Victor Davis Hanson, Real Clear Politics
Preoccupied with Democracy in Iraq
Andrew C. McCarthy
, National Review
The Left's Iraq Muddle
Bob Kerrey, Wall Street Journal
Lebanon: Worth saving, or the hell with it?
Michael Young, Reason

Hawks and realists split the White House

James Klurfeld, Newsday
A Taste for Terror
Ralph Peters, New York Post

Elections 2008
Is Giuliani Too Liberal for the GOP? Probably Not
John Dickerson, Slate
A Campaign Role Reversal
William Kristol, Time
Has Fred Thompson Found His Role?
Mark Halperin, Time

The Man Who Wasn't There
Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal
Don't count out McCain just yet
Tom Bevan, Chicago Sun-Times
The Brand New and Same Old
Anna Quindlen, Newsweek

Heartburn from GOP's menu
Donald Lambro, Washington Times
Dems Want You to Take a Hike
Pete Du Pont, Wall Street Journal
How Rudy Won the Second Debate
Joe Klein, Time
Overblown GOP apocalypse
David Hill, The Hill

Conservatism Has Always Been Pro Immigration
Alvaro Vargas Llosa, Tech Central Station
Republican Rage Over Immigration
Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times
Better Off Losing
John Podhoretz, New York Post

Pretty bad – but not Jimmy Carter bad
Gerard Baker, The Times
Michael Moore's Sickness
Rich Lowry, National Review

Perri Nelson's Website - Rep. John Murtha - and Pork
Planck's Constant - David Copperfield and Immigration
Blue Star Chronicles - Rosie O’Donnell has Left The View...
Right Truth - Towards the National Liberation of Iraq
Here's looking at... me! - No, overeating will not make me...
DeMediacratic Nation - A Thank You on This Memorial Day...
Diary of the Mad Pigeon - Senate moves to expand detainee rights
Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker - Post your bets now... Odds are on...
Colloquium - Sunday Scribblings #61: Simple - Weekly Reading Picks [Open Trackback]
Adam's Blog - Personal Ambition Destroyed the Minutemen
Cantor - Islam, immigrazione e difesa della libertà
Mark My Words - Illegal immigration - Tell Congress what you...
Colloquium - Carnival of Family Life
Mark My Words - This Memorial Day
The Amboy Times - Giuliani v Edwards and Amnesty

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