domenica 11 dicembre 2005

Sleepy Sunday Open Trackback

Mentre noi dormiamo per tutto il giorno, voi fate un link a questo post, poi un trackback a questa URL e (prima o poi) il link al vostro post verrà aggiunto qui sotto. Se non potete fare un trackback, provate Simpletrack di Adam Kalsey o Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger. Se non avete idea di che cosa sia un trackback, segnalate il vostro post a questo indirizzo e-mail (con url, titolo del post, nome del blog e nell'object: "Sleepy Sunday Open Trackback"). Altre informazioni qui e qui. Già che ci siete, perdete dieci secondi per votare The Right Nation alla finale dei Weblog Awards 2005. Buona domenica a tutti :)

While we're sleeping all day long, make a link to this post, then trackback this URL and - sooner or later - a link to your post will be added at the end of this one. If you can't make a trackback, use Simpletrack di Adam Kalsey or Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger. If you have no idea of what a trackback is, mail url, title and name of blog to this address, writing in the subject: "Sleepy Sunday Open Trackback". While you're at it, waste ten seconds to vote The Right Nation at the Weblog Awards 2005 (Best European Blog). Have a nice Sunday, everyone :)

All Things Beautiful - The D Stands For Defeat
Conservative Musings - Weblog Awards Continues
Hyscience - Retreat And Defeat - Dem's Latest Iraq Strategy
Committees of Correspondence - Arbeit Macht Frei
Camelot Destra Ideale - Saddam Hussein si definisce... - Tassati a morte - Week-end Easy Open Trackback
Don Surber - Next: The ACLU War On Funyuns
Otimaster - The battle of the bridges Open Trackback Post
Don Surber - Bush: Democracy's Champion
Crazy Politicos Rantings - Senator, Do Your Ears Work?
Don Surber - Blog Cast
Freedom Folks - Still Flailing
Nequidnimis (The Abr's Neo-blog) - American Chopper
La pulce di Voltaire - Nuovo sito per il Dalai Lama
Neocon Italiani - Primarie romane
Don Surber - 71% of Iraqis Say Their Lives Are Going Well
The Business of America is Business - Where Would Jesus Shop?
All Things Beautiful - If Israel Is The Tumor Then Iran...

Other Open Trackbacks:, Adam’s Blog, , Basil's Blog, Bloggin’ Outloud, bRight & Early (2), Cao’s Blog, Customerservant, Is It Just Me? (2), Jo’s Cafe, MacStansbury, Mudville Gazette, NIF, Oblogatory Anecdotes, Otimaster, Outside The Beltway, Point Five, Right Wing Nation, Robinik, Stop The ACLU, Stuck On Stupid, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The Uncooperative Blogger, TMH's Bacon Bits, Wizbang. (More at the Open Trackback Alliance and the Open Trackback Provider Blogroll).

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