giovedì 31 agosto 2006
Obsession, il film
Trailer corto (0:59)
Trailer lungo (4:35)
Parte Prima (9:21)
Parte Seconda (9:41)
Parte Terza (10:00)
Parte Quarta (9:42)
Parte Quinta (9:34)
Parte Sesta (9:46)
Parte Settima (8:36)
Parte Ottava (9:50)
La quinta colonna in Iraq
Round-Up: NoisyRoom, Sixth Column, Right Voices, Sister Toldjah.
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Mainstream (?) Media
Round-Up: Hot Air, Olbermann Watch, NewsBusters.org, Riehl World View, The Moderate Voice, The Political Pit Bull, Blue Star Chronicles, Alabama Liberation Front, USS Neverdock, Sister Toldjah.
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mercoledì 30 agosto 2006
Round-Up (MSM): Wall Street Journal, National Review, Investor's Business Daily, CNN, New York Times, Editor&Publisher, Slate.
Round-Up (Blogosphere): JustOneMinute (2), The Strata-Sphere (2), USS Neverdock (2), QandO, Kuru Lounge, Newsbusters.org, Gateway Pundit, Blogs for Bush, Flopping Aces (2), The American Thinker, The Sundries Shack, The Real Ugly American, Wizbang, GOP Bloggers, Villainous Company, Redstate, Conservative Outpost, Fire on the Mountain, Sister Toldjah.
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Il network delle libertà
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7 chili in 7 minuti
Round-Up: Michelle Malkin, Pajamas Media, The Political Pit Bull, Townhall Blog, Ace of Spades HQ, RightWinged, Snapped Shot, High Desert Wanderer, Tammy Bruce, Editors in Pajamas, Liberty and Justice, BelchSpeak, The World According To Carl, Occidentality.
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Come volevasi dimostrare
Ahmadinejad: "Sfido Bush a un dibattito televisivo".
Round-Up: Atlas Shrugs, NewsBusters.org, Say Anything, Liberty and Justice, Blue Crab Boulevard.
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Double Ticket
Round-Up: Political Wire, Extreme Mortman.
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martedì 29 agosto 2006
A Change in the Winds?
Round-Up: GOP Bloggers, QandO, RedState, Outside The Beltway, Clayton Cramer.
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lunedì 28 agosto 2006
Apologia della tortura
Round-Up: GOP Vixen, Ace of Spades HQ, Althouse, Cold Fury, Discarded Lies, TheTalkArena, The Llama Butchers, The Political Pit Bull, Tai-Chi Policy, Politechnical Institute.
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sabato 26 agosto 2006
Weekend (Open) Must-Read List
► [War on Terror]
► Our Covert Enemies
► Michael Barone, Townhall
► Hezbollah Didn't Win
► Amir Taheri, Wall Street Journal
► The Iraq Solution
► Bill O'Reilly, Townhall
► Mr. Bush’s Communication Problem
► Victor Davis Hanson, National Review
► Why the world hates America
► Michael Medved, Townhall
► [Right]
► A Down-Under Lesson for the GOP?
► E.J. Dionne, Real Clear Politics
► Romney on a Roll
► Hugh Hewitt, World Magazine
► Canada's Conservatives
► Adam Daifallah, New York Sun
► [Left]
► Snootycrats. Anti-Wal-Mart populism
► Rich Lowry, National Review
► The Lieberman Conundrum
► Terence Samuel, The American Prospect
► Liberal Losses
► James J. Cramer, New York Magazine
► The Cult of Soros
► David Horowitz - Richard Poe, Frontpage Magazine
► Wal-Mart Drives Democrats Batty
► Jonah Goldberg, National Review
► [Media]
► Giving the People Their Voice Back
► John Samples, National Review
► The Miracle of Cuban Healthcare?
► Marian L. Tupy, Tech Central Station
► The Tip of the Iceberg
► Tom Hoopes, National Review
Questo post è un open trackback. Fate un link qui, poi un trackback a questa URL e (prima o poi) il link al vostro post verrà aggiunto qui sotto. Altre informazioni qui. Buon weekend a tutti! :)
Planck's Constant - Pluto - the Ninth Rock from the Sun
123beta - Centanni & Olaf: Keep Your Finger's Crossed
Basil's Blog - Blogrolling 2006-08-26
Mariniello - Mariniello On Air / Di ritorno da Roma
Perla Scandinava - Questa volta ha vinto Bush
Planck's Constant - Hu's on First
Woman Honor Thyself - U.S. Army, Yea.
Tor's Rants - Barbara Merrill's Ethics Violations
Blue Star Chronicles - Camp Pendleton 8 Hearings to Begin
Cantor - Libano: il conflitto vittima di incoerenze strategiche
123beta - Open Trackback Weekend #16
Planck's Constant - Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and Liberals...
The Uncooperative Blogger - Uncooperative Radio Podcast...
Assorted Babble by Suzie - Miami's Liberty City 7 Terrorist Tapes
Blue Star Chronicles - Whats Everybody Talking About
Hyscience - TV News Critic: We're Silent On Steve Centanni's...
Cantor - Troviamoli e liberiamoli con un blogburst
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More Open Trackbacks:
Stop the ACLU, Blue Star Chronicles, Woman Honor Thyself, Wizbang, 123beta, Third World County, Stuck on Stupid, bRight & Early, Bullwinkle Blog, TMH’s Bacon Bits, Church and State, Basil's Blog, Cao's Blog, Dan Mancini, The Florida Masochist, Gospel Fiction, Pirate's Cove, NIF, Right Wing Nation, Imagine Kitty, Leaning Straight Up, Jo's Cafe, The Conservative Cat, Is It Just Me?. (More at the Open Trackback Alliance, Open Trackback Provider Blogroll, Linkfest Heaven).
Lesa maestà
Krauthammer difende Condi
Round-Up: Atlas Shrugs, Blue Crab Boulevard, Daimnation!.
mercoledì 23 agosto 2006
No More Babies (Left) To Kiss
Round-Up: Acton Institute PowerBlog, Say Anything, The Right Angle, Sister Toldjah, BrothersJudd, GOP Bloggers, The Right Track, Backyard Conservative, SCSUS Scholars, Balloon Juice, And Rightly So!, Save the GOP, Right Wing News, The Bullwinkle Blog, Anti-Strib, Brain Shavings, Burkean Reflections, Elephant Ears, Scottish Right, Hang Right Politics, Road to the Middle Class, Spunky Homeschool, CDR Salamander, PowerBlog, Jeffreymark, Right Voices, Dave's Not Here, Libertas et Memoria, Texas Rainmaker, Cartago Delenda Est, The Senescent Man, Donklephant, Ankle Biting Pundit.
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martedì 22 agosto 2006
Still Missing - Blogburst
p.s. I blogger italiani che vogliono partecipare al blogburst possono fare un trackback a questo post (o direttamente al post di Michelle Malkin) e lasciare un commento: i link ai loro post verranno pubblicati nella lista qui sotto.
Blogburst. NewsBusters.org, Media Blog (NRO), Captain's Quarters, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, Riehl World View, Wizbang, Right Wing Nut House, The Jawa Report, Blue Crab Boulevard, Tel-Chai Nation, Vital Perspective, Flopping Aces, Ace of Spades HQ, The Political Pit Bull, Ed Driscoll.com, Suitably Flip, Blackfive, Babalu Blog, Alabama Liberation Front, Lifelike Pundits, Stuck On Stupid, Plus + Ultra, bRight & Early, JunkYardBlog, It Shines For All, America's North Shore Journal, Sister Toldjah, Sanctuary Blog, Toadpond, Respublica, Suitably Flip, The Zero Point, Pirate's Cove, Stander's Point, Simple American Blog, Vital Perspective, Alarming News, Just Me, Conservative Blog Therapy, Ms Underestimated, Editors in Pajamas, Techlizard, Throwing Heat, Sublime Rage, The Thunder Run, Left Wing = Hate, Two Babes and a Brain, Isn't It Rich, Queer Conservative, Strategic Outlook Institute, Freedom Folks, The American Princess, A Distant Soil, The Wizard, The Waterglass, Degree of Madness, GZ Expat, The Bullwinkle Blog, PC Free Zone. Blog italiani: Cantor, Daverik, Sergio G. Caredda.
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USA 2006: il GOP cresce nei sondaggi
p.s. Per capire meglio come vengono condotti i cosiddetti "generic congressional ballots", vi consigliamo di leggere questo post di qualche mese fa su Mystery Pollster.
Round-Up: Liberty and Justice, Blue Crab Boulevard, Crosstabs.org, Decision '08, Andrew Sullivan, Outside the Beltway, Macsmind, Transform Houston, Environmental Republican, The Pink Flamingo, Lifelike Pundits, The Talk Show American, Respublica.
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lunedì 21 agosto 2006
I Repubblicani dopo l'11 settembre
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L'amico iraniano
Round-Up: The Strata-Sphere, Security Watchtower, Winds of Change.
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Tutti gli uomini di McCain
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Dick Lieberman
Round-Up: Captain's Quarters, Decision '08, PunditGuy, Blue Crab Boulevard, PoliBlog, Ace of Spades HQ, Cranial Cavity, FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog, Old War Dogs.
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venerdì 18 agosto 2006
Weekend (Open) Must-Read List
► [Sunday Update]
► Moment of Truth
► Ralph Peters, New York Post
► Ned Lamont: Henry Wallace with a Website
► Barry Casselman, Real Clear Politics
► Hillary Gets Ready to Run
► Karen Tumulty, Time
► Suicide of the West
► Melanie Phillips, National Review
► World is watching as Iraq war tests U.S. mettle
► Mark Steyn, Chicago Sun-Times
► New York Times: Better Dead than Read
► Ann Coulter, Townhall
► [Saturday Update]
► 'Cane Mutiny
► Roy Spencer, Tech Central Station
► Hope Amid Despair?
► Victor Davis Hanson, National Review
► Truth, Even If Clandestine, Is Still Truth
► Val Prieto, Townhall
► Senators' Numbers
► Michael Barone, US News & World Report
► Pop Music's Sex Education
► Brent Bozell III, Townhall
► Amateur Hour?
► Bryan Cunningham, National Review
► 9/11 Myths, Debunked
► Austin Bay, Tech Central Station
► Bush Fobia May Prove Fatal
► Daniel Henninger, Wall Street Journal
► The Rise of the Caliphate
► Oliver North, Townhall
► Can Giuliani Win the Southern GOP?
► Byron York, National Review
► Can Joe Lieberman Really Win?
► Stuart Rothenberg, Political Report
► Terrorism Threat is Here to Stay
► Jonah Goldberg, Townhall
► Alive and Kicking
► Larry Kudlow, National Review
► What Is 'Islamofascism'?
► Stephen Schwartz, Weekly Standard
► Smither, Eh? Ex-cellent!
► Shawn Macomber, Reason
► Useful Idiots: Islam’s Best Soldiers
► Amil Imani, FrontPage Magazine
► What a Farce
► Seth Gitell, New York Sun
► Jimmy Carter: Sympathy for the Devil
► David Limbaugh, NewsMax
► How Unskilled Immigrants Hurt Our Economy
► Steven Malanga, City Journal
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Buon weekend a tutti! :)
The Four Color Media Monitor - Fans need to focus their...
Tel-Chai Nation - A Land Fit for Criminals
The Four Color Media Monitor - One more reason why comics...
Tel-Chai Nation - How many British converted to Islam?
The Four Color Media Monitor - Continuity is what makes...
Tel-Chai Nation - Rebutting an Oprah apologist
Right Truth - Did the sun came up in the West?
Nequidnimis - CombatteRai
Neocon Italiani - La vittoria di Hezbollah
Planck's Constant - Priceless - Anti-war rally
Cantor - E vabbè
Planck's Constant - Art teacher Tamara Hoover resigns job
The Real Conservative - Il giudice liberal in aiuto del terrorismo
Ms Underestimated - “Suicidal Terror” (VIDEO)
Planck's Constant - Give this Liberal a condom: NSA Defeated
123beta - Open Trackback Weekend #15
Planck's Constant - There is no room for Jews in this world
Assorted Babble - ACLU vs NSA. Leftist Judge Rules...
Freedom's Zone - Husband And Wife Terror Team Planned...
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More Open Trackbacks:
Blue Star Chronicles, Woman Honor Thyself, 123beta, Basil's Blog, Don Surber, Stuck On Stupid, The Uncooperative Blogger, Cao's Blog, TMH's Bacon Bits, Third World County, Publius Rendezvous, Bloggin' Outloud, Madman Returns, Pirate's Cove, People Are Idiots, Gospel Fiction, Dan Mancini, MacBros' Place, The Bullwinkle Blog, NIF, Right Wing Nation, Leaning Straight Up, Oblogatory Anecdotes, Imagine Kitty, Jo's Cafe, 7 Deadly Sins, Point Five. (More at the Open Trackback Alliance, Open Trackback Provider Blogroll, Linkfest Heaven).
Toghe rosse a Detroit
Round-up: Hugh Hewitt, The Volokh Conspiracy, The Strata-Sphere, Power Line, Instapundit, Riehl World View, Macsmind, Damnum Absque Injuria, Slublog, An Army Lawyer, Michelle Malkin, Old War Dogs, Assorted Babble, Debbie Schlussel, Wizbang, Redstate, Say Anything, Gateway Pundit, Balkinization, Ace of Spades HQ, The Jawa Report, RightWingSparkle, Right Wing Nut House, Liberty and Justice, Big Lizards, American Future, Confederate Yankee, The Irish Trojan's Blog. UPDATE: Stop the ACLU, Outside the Beltway, Blogs for Bush, Captain's Quarters, Morning Coffee, The Dumb Ox, Stuck on Stupid, California Conservative, The Moderate Voice, Wide Awakes Radio.
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giovedì 17 agosto 2006
Lieberman vola (grazie ai repubblicani)
Round-Up: Hugh Hewitt, The Carpetbagger Report, RedState, Jay Reding, Mark the Pundit, Hang Right Politics, Respublica, California Yankee.
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War on Wal-Mart
Round-Up: Hot Air, Captain's Quarters, The Sundries Shack, Daniel W. Drezner, Old War Dogs, Iowa Voice.
The Right Side of Hollywood?
UPDATE: Via Weblogging, pubblichiamo l'immagine dell'appello comparso sul Los Angeles Times. Tra i nomi non citati in precedenza, segnaliamo: Bernie Mac, Gary Sinise, Ivan Reitman, Larry Elder, Lionel Chetwynd (e zio Rupert Murdoch).
Round-Up: Democracy Project, Captain's Quarters, Ace of Spades HQ, Blue Crab Boulevard, Gateway Pundit, Say Anything, USS Neverdock, Don Surber, NewsBusters.org, Alamo Nation.
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mercoledì 16 agosto 2006
Monaco, 2006
Round-Up: Power Line, Tammy Bruce, The Jawa Report, Say Anything, South Child, Powerpundit, 1913 Intel, Threats Watch, Three Sources, Dinocrat, Just five words of wisdom, Hot Air, Riehl World View, Editors in Pajamas, Right Wing Nut House, Old War Dogs, Cold Fury, Blue Crab Boulevard.
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